

5 stars, this book explains the hidden power of your brain it consists of 21 chapters and explains the power of the subconscious mind, the Treasure in it, and its miracle-working power of it. the mean of this book is far more focused on the mental healing power and use it for your happiness solving problems, forgiveness, and removing mental blocks, it teaches us to use our minds to get the result of what we want and make our minds a partner in your success. it also covers to use your subconscious mind as remove fear and stay young in Spirit forever and explain the law of fundamental life and language of this book is used is not so complex and it also teaches us to pray effectively in just 3 steps and how our prayer become reality because everybody prays but only some prayers are fulfilled it helps to take dig out our brain and removing obstacles, marvelous power, quality of mind and controls over it explains that how everything starts with our mind and how we can control our activities...


  W riting a research is not like writing article and essay with some facts and quotes. it is a totally different concept which is not easy as its seems.  Here are some steps which helps to write a creative research paper effectively and eye catchy: before starting to write research paper we should understand the topic of research and make and outline and mind map here are some steps which are helpful to make an mind map. STEP 1:     ABSTRACT in this we have to answer some basic questions like why we are writing, what are we going to conclude, what is need of this paper and purpose of the paper. STEP 2:    INTRODUCTION in this section we have to introduce our topic like what is this, what is its importance and things similar to this. STEP 3:   CENTRAL PUZZLE this is the main and very important section, in this section we have to write our central idea of our research paper and its hypothesis scope and literature reviews of our references. we can also w...